Monday, September 3, 2012

Intertidal Sexes

Cup coral egg and larva



crochet coral reef

Corals are always becoming themselves through entanglements with others. Never only themselves, corals are ensembles; they are made up of relationships. To be coral is to co-here. Corals are living, metabolizing, reproducing, interchanging beings that exist by crossing divides between organic and inorganic, ocean and flesh, aragonite and calcite. They show us that becoming is not an individuated process that preexists interchange, but rather ontology is constituted through relationship. The being so constituted exists across and beyond itscalcium carbonate exoskeleton. To be is not to be contained, grounded, or bounded, or not this alone. It is to be able to live multiplicity. The multiply-lived is not a clear, coherent and positive integrity that can be seen and held together all at once. Ontology is not integrity, it is resource, reach and possibility. And as corals produces reefs, we (for example) participate in substantiating what constitutively helps to substantiate “us.” Our futures are predicated on the relationships we build and are built for us. Like corals, we create our world with our bodies, and by doing so recreate our bodies as part of that world. We are always in transition, are always work in progress.


naked lunge
rippled splendor what intimate work
and design went into this undulant thing
a blouse of
yellow warts and
a thousand hot white needles
what I love about pleasure is
what I love about this damp sissy
lace made alive and gorgeous
flux shift alter transpose redefine
mutable verbs that cause stunning trouble
beneath the slashing
surface of
tide pools

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